Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Being a lurker.

If you're ever outside my window, here are some things you might end up doing.

Smoke some.
Like the dudes in the picture. It is of course not something I condone, but hey why not. Whip out that Hookah/Bong at 4 in the afternoon in a public place.

Walk your laundry.
Living in a dorm means you need to walk your laundry to the laundry room. Who doesn't love clean clothes?

Tightrope walk.
We have trees, we have rope, and we have feet.

Please don't, but if you must do it with beer bottles.

Honk at the geese.
They honk at you, why not honk back.

If you're lucky you may catch a free BBQ out in the courtyard.